
PolySoft Crypt Edit is Copyright (C) 1998-2000, by Ulyanov Ilya Andreevich. All rights reserved.

Anything not explicitely allowed below, is prohibited.

This software is provided "as is". In no event shall I, the author, be liable for any consequential, special, incidental or indirect damages of any kind arising out of the delivery, performance or use of this software. This software has been written with great care but I do not warrant that the software is error free.

You may not attempt to reverse compile, modify, translate or disassemble the software in whole or in part.

You may freely distribute Crypt Edit, provided that all the files are included and are unmodified and that no files have been added to the package. Please distribute it by copying the original zip file. You may not ask any money for the distribution.

If you want to put this component on a freeware/shareware CD-ROM or other compilation, please contact me before doing so, to be sure that you are not including old or incomplete stuff in the compilation.